Weight: 141 pounds
Symptoms: fatigue, edema (ankles only), back pain, hip pain (only when lying down for a long time)
Mood: excited, nervous, preoccupied
Reading: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric CarleWell, this is the last week of my second trimester, and what a better way to kick it off than with childbirth preparation classes! Joey and I go to the first of three sessions this evening. I can't wait to tour the labor and delivery department of the hospital, meet other expecting couples, and learn as much as I can about what I'll be experiencing in three short months.
And it's official: My doctor's office called and said I did indeed fail yesterday's glucose test. I have to go back this Friday and take the grueling three-hour test. I'm going to take the whole day off work since I know this test will make feel all sorts of yucky afterward. If I fail this test, then I have to see an endocrinologist for the treatment of gestational diabetes. Yay me.
I hope to post updates from our first childbirth class here soon!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Week 26: Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Posted by Kelli T. at 4:42 PM