Over this past weekend, we made our first big baby-related purchase (well, besides the furniture that we put a down payment on awhile back). We bought Torin's playard, the Chicco Lullaby LX Adventure:Joey put it together in a matter of minutes (despite tons of consumer reviews saying this product is so difficult to assemble), and now it sits next to our bed, ready for Torin to lie in it. He will sleep in the bassinet portion of the playard, next to our bed, for the first several weeks, and then we will transition him to his crib. Afterward, it will serve as what was formerly called a playpen.
In other news, I had a routine doctor's visit today, with yet another of the four obstetricians in the practice. Joey and I liked this doctor, as we have all the other doctors and staff members in the practice. My foot is still hurting; I am being sent to an orthopedic specialist, whom I will see first thing next week. Otherwise, the baby and I are moving along nicely, and my measurements and test results are all good.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Progress, finally.
Posted by Kelli T. at 5:08 PM