I began this Memorial Day weekend with a cloud of gloom enveloping me. I was disappointed in myself for not having done much, if anything, in the way of preparations for baby. What a terrific parent I am already, I thought to myself as I considered my intimidating To-Do List. After all, I'm halfway through this pregnancy, and all I have to show for it are a teddy bear and an Amazon wish list.
But yesterday, I crossed an item off my To-Do List--a huge, glaring item. I began our baby registry at Babies R Us. I took some items from my Amazon wish list and added them to this registry, thus gaining a sense of accomplishment. However, I noticed that many items on my wish list--items I had selected after hours and hours of research--were not available at Babies R Us or any other local store that sells baby gear. The perfect highchair, the sweetest swing, the most bad-ass convertible car seat...They evidently are enigmas that elude the brick-and-mortar store. Oh well, more stuff for us to buy online, I suppose...
And today, Joey and I struck another daunting task off the To-Do List: finding THE nursery furniture. Here's what we put a down payment on:We didn't purchase the armoire, but the other 2 pieces will be in our home in a month or so. The crib converts to a toddler bed and then to a full-size bed. For that reason, I wanted a more grown-up look, something that will befit both a child and a teenager. After all, it is my hope that this furniture stays with our son through at least early adulthood.
So hooray for productivity in the household of Mr. and Mrs. T! I already celebrated with a vanilla shake from Keller's. Now the party will carry on with a nap or a Netflix break. Or both. Because that's how wild and crazy I am these days.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Mission(s) accomplished.
Posted by Kelli T. at 5:10 PM