Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Halfway Day!

Weight: 135 pounds
Symptoms: rhinitis (not sure if it's allergies or if it's pregnancy related), some gas, insomnia, back pain
Mood: calm, happy, tired
Listening to: XMU (channel 43 on XM Radio)
Reading: Baby Bargains, 8th Edition by Denise and Alan Fields

Today marks the halfway point of my pregnancy: 20 weeks and 0 days!

As clichéd as it sounds, it seems at times like time has flown quickly, while other times, I feel like I'm stuck in slow motion. Either way, I cherish every day that I am pregnant, no matter how physically uncomfortable I might be or scared I might feel.

I'm celebrating with a second caffeinated beverage this evening--a Diet Dr Pepper, to be exact. That's some hard partyin' for me these days!

Here's to another 20 weeks (hopefully!) of milestones and smiles.