Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 1, 2011

1-1-11: A year of firsts

For the first time ever, Joey and I rang in the new year as a family. We had our little Thor in his Rock 'N Play Sleeper, just in front of us, as we watched Inception and made a toast (me with a beer, Joey with a couple of sips of scotch).

I look forward to all we have in store for 2011 as new parents. On the agenda for this year are first roll-overs, first teeth, first crawls, first steps, first Easter Bunny visits, first Mother's Day and Father's Day celebrations, and so many more exciting moments.

In fact, we're already off to a momentous start: Torin held up his head higher and longer than ever during today's tummy time:

"I don't have a big head; you just have little eyes."

As Torin's 3-month "birthday" approaches, he is becoming more and more interactive. For the past week or so, each day has held a new surprise: less colic, more vocalizations, more smiles, the beginnings of laughter, and more interest in the world. And with each passing day, I wonder what he and I will discover together.

Here's to a 2011 seen through the eyes of a babe.