Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas 2011!

Posted by Kelli T. at 8:38 PM
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The harvest is upon us once again...
Halloween 2011 saw no trick-or-treating for us (maybe beginning next year), but we did witness the cutest little vampire baby one could ever imagine. Mom and Dad were the ones who really got the "treats." Of course, Pookie is never not adorable.
Posted by Kelli T. at 11:21 AM
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Happy first birthday to our Pookie, our Torin!
Posted by Kelli T. at 3:03 AM
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Love is...
...when Pookie lights up when I arrive at daycare to pick him up. He comes crawling at me from across the room, not letting anyone or anything come between him and his mama. He demands to be picked up and kissed immediately.
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:35 PM
Thursday, September 29, 2011
E-Aunties are the best!
Over the weekend, we got a package in the mail for Pookie. It was a box full of birthday goodies from a caring, intelligent, beautiful group of ladies I have befriended online.
Posted by Kelli T. at 6:14 PM
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Walk this way!
Last Thursday night (3 nights ago), we got a tremendous treat when Torin took several steps on his very own for the first time ever! He even repeated the feat then, only to fall and hit his head on the tile floor afterward (poor guy). And, well, tonight, he was at it again, taking 3-4 steps at a time. Even though we don't have any recorded proof yet, I'm making it official: Torin has walked!
Posted by Kelli T. at 9:28 PM
Friday, September 9, 2011
Of smiles and tears.
We're finally getting two more teeth (upper front), bringing the grand total to four. I'll miss that gummy baby smile. It makes me want to cry to think about how quickly our little Pookie is growing up.
Posted by Kelli T. at 10:29 PM
Sunday, August 28, 2011
More firsts!
I just wrote the following in another of my journals:
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:34 PM
Monday, August 15, 2011
Clap on!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a clapper! Torin began clapping this weekend. Hopefully there will be a video soon.

Posted by Kelli T. at 5:23 PM
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
It's the little things.
I heard and saw Pookie stirring on our video monitor, so I went to his room to fetch him from his late afternoon nap. When I arrived at his crib, he was smiling so darn big, playing and cuddling with Scout while the toy played a soft lullaby. I might have cried a little. Okay, okay, I did cry for a minute or two.
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:31 PM
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Strangers in a strange land.
This weekend, we took Pookie on his first out-of-state road trip. Needing desperately to get out of the city, we all headed north aimlessly, in search of nothing but a bit of bucolic peace. We found it in Oklahoma!
Posted by Kelli T. at 8:45 PM
Monday, July 4, 2011
Torin's first 4th!
For our first Independence Day as a family, we kept things pretty low key. We had lunch at Snuffer's, then we went for a peaceful drive through the East Texas countryside. Even though Pookie wasn't in the best mood today (he's either sick or teething--he has a runny nose), he still managed a few laughs and smiles, one of which we were lucky enough to capture on camera.
Posted by Kelli T. at 8:05 PM
Sunday, June 19, 2011
A fantastic first Father's Day!
Posted by Kelli T. at 8:55 PM
Saturday, June 11, 2011
And our first word is...
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:55 PM
Saturday, June 4, 2011
We officially have our first tooth!
Yep, after over a week of agony, that first tooth has finally made its way through Pookie's gums. It's the bottom right central incisor. The central incisor to its left looks like it will be here in a few more days. I hope I can post a picture later--it's hard to get one because that goofy Pookie likes to stick his tongue out all the time, and we can't keep our fingers in his mouth long enough to get a snapshot.
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:54 PM
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sea legs.
Today was Torin's first Memorial Day, and we spent most of it Andrew, Jennifer, and Preston's house, along with our friend Sarah C. and her lovely daughter, Hannah. Andrew and Jennifer set up the kiddie pool for Preston and Hannah, and we thought this would be a good opportunity for Torin to get in his first swim.He did very well, merrily kicking his legs like he does in the bathtub! Of course, he was only in the water for a couple of minutes, but he was mesmerized by the moving water and the splashes his pals were making. More than anything, he wanted to put the pool toys in his mouth--after all, he is teething.
Our Pookie has so many more firsts in store for himself in the coming months. I'm sure this will be one of our best summers ever!
Posted by Kelli T. at 6:55 PM
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Another milestone!
As of tonight, it is finally official: We have a crawler!
Posted by Kelli T. at 10:54 PM
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
The first stand.
Well, it happened tonight. At just over 7 months of age, Torin has skipped crawling and has pulled himself to standing:

Posted by Kelli T. at 9:32 PM
Sunday, May 8, 2011
My first Mother's Day.

The inside reads, "Happiest Mother's Day wishes to a very special new mom. Enjoy every minute of it!"
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:20 PM
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Stranger Danger!
Well, it has officially begun. Torin is now scared of people he doesn't know. Gone are the halcyon days in which he would beam while anyone held him. Now he sticks out his bottom lip and wails until Mommy or Daddy takes him back. Our poor friend Sarah C. was the first to experience this, last night. It's unfortunate that it started with her; she's been one of Torin's biggest admirers, although she rarely sees him.
Posted by Kelli T. at 8:08 PM
Sunday, April 24, 2011
And a happy first Easter it was!
As you can see, the Easter Bunny spoiled Torin on his first Easter. And just what did that big, lovable rabbit leave for our dear boy?
- Bath toys
- A toy that makes lots of bubbles
- Soft blocks
- A Leap Frog "My Pal Scout"
- Several teether toys
- A pair of sunglasses
- A khaki summer hat
- A car seat/stroller toy
- A couple of small Fisher-Price cars
- A toy cell phone
Posted by Kelli T. at 9:40 PM
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Uh-oh. Don't tell Torin, but I've been conspiring with the Easter Bunny concerning Torin's Easter basket. It looks like our eyes were bigger than the basket...
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:23 PM
Monday, April 18, 2011
A creeped-out mom and a "hoppy" boy
We went to see the Easter Bunny over the weekend during his appearance at Town East Mall. My mother said I always cried when meeting him; now I know why. He sure does look...freaky.
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:46 PM
Friday, April 8, 2011
April 8, 2011
Telling someone how you really feel shouldn't be a crime, especially when you put so much time and thought into your message to him or her.
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:08 PM
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Torin's surgery went as planned, with no complications. He has been eating quite well today, staying hydrated. We've had to administer some Tylenol and Motrin, but he seems okay otherwise. He's a bit grumpy, but he's still giving us his trademark Pookie smiles and laughs occasionally.
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:53 PM
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Well, Pookie, it's been six months already!
Can you believe it? You were born half a year ago today! Sometimes it seems like it has already been years since we first met; other times, it feels like only a few weeks have passed.
Posted by Kelli T. at 9:54 PM
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Approaching the half-way mark!
Torin will (already) be six months old this coming Wednesday. I simply cannot believe it!

Torin seems like a completely different baby than he was 6 months ago. He doesn't look anything like that tiny little boy I gave birth to. And he is so much happier nowadays, always smiling and laughing! I am trying to appreciate every little moment I get with Pookie, because he'll be in high school before I know it.
Posted by Kelli T. at 6:31 PM
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Our little leprechaun!
I couldn't quite catch him smiling on camera, but he was chipper this evening--even though he has a cold! Who needs a a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow when you have a cutie like this boy?
Posted by Kelli T. at 9:38 PM
Monday, March 7, 2011
Food for the five-month-old!
Yesterday, Pookie turned five months old. Where is the time going, seriously?

Posted by Kelli T. at 6:26 PM
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
My sleepy Valentine!
To mark Torin's first Valentine's Day, he...snoozed! But not before he spit up a lot, cried, and acted generally cranky. Okay, so he's not exactly the Cupid type; that's okay. He's Mommy's cute little Valentine, no matter what.
Posted by Kelli T. at 9:26 PM
Friday, February 11, 2011
Night fever.
And not the good kind of fever the Bee Gees sang about, unfortunately.
Posted by Kelli T. at 9:55 PM
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Happy four months!
So slowly yet so quickly, our baby boy grows. This contradiction amazes me. But I wouldn't change any of it for the world.
Posted by Kelli T. at 9:44 PM
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Reaching out.
Yesterday, Torin hit another milestone. In other words, he found a new way to melt his parents' hearts. He began reaching for us when we bend over to pick him up.
Posted by Kelli T. at 7:22 PM
Monday, January 31, 2011
One year ago today...
...I took a home pregnancy test, the results of which began our nine-month journey to parenthood. And here we are now, with a beautiful little boy--a nearly-4-month-old who is everything we live for.
Posted by Kelli T. at 2:17 PM
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Another first today.
This one was the first day of daycare. As sad as it was, it became a necessity for us. We would really like for me to be able to stay at home with Torin, but the bills won't just automatically dissipate. He did very well, though, and he's worn out this evening.
Posted by Kelli T. at 8:18 PM
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Three months!
Yep, Torin is already 3 months old as of today. Thirteen weeks!

Posted by Kelli T. at 6:57 PM
Saturday, January 1, 2011
1-1-11: A year of firsts
For the first time ever, Joey and I rang in the new year as a family. We had our little Thor in his Rock 'N Play Sleeper, just in front of us, as we watched Inception and made a toast (me with a beer, Joey with a couple of sips of scotch).
Posted by Kelli T. at 6:56 PM