Weight: 151 pounds
Symptoms: insomnia, acid reflux/heartburn, frequent urination, back pain, edema (ankles, feet, and calves), extreme fatigue, some food aversions, pica
Mood: nervous, stressed out
Reading: The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins

I don't know if it's nerves or my squished stomach or both, but I am not eating a lot these days. I can eat frequent small meals but nothing heavy. And after I eat, my body uses up every last bit of energy it has to process the food for me and Torin, so I am left feeling winded and exhausted, unable to even walk at times.
Monday, September 20, was my last day at work. Since then, I haven't gotten a great deal accomplished at home, mainly because of my extreme exhaustion. There are still so many items left on my to-do list. I am stressing about trying to complete them all. Of course, I've had a couple of offers for help, but I am so stubborn, I can seem to accept these offers. I just knew I should have taken others' advice and tried to do as much preparation as I could while was still in my blissful second trimester!
I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. We're supposed to find out at that time what position Torin is in, and hopefully we'll know more about specifically when my labor will be induced. We have so many unanswered questions right now. I hope to resolve most of them tomorrow.