...I haven't done much, so far. I don't really plan on doing anything later, either. I just haven't felt good today. I don't feel ill; nothing hurts. I just feel...blah. I have a slight case of indigestion. I don't have any energy or motivation at all. That third-trimester nesting instinct they talk about must be a myth--I never experienced it, and I don't expect it to kick in between now and Monday.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
On my last Thursday as a childless woman...
Posted by Kelli T. at 6:03 PM
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Week 38: Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Posted by Kelli T. at 6:24 PM
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
On my last Tuesday as a childless woman...
...I went to my last prenatal doctor's appointment. Joey was with me. It was determined that my cervix is still "unfavorable." In other words, it is not dilated or effaced at all. Therefore, my induction plan is changing a bit. I will now go in to the hospital on Monday, October 4, at 5:00 pm to begin receiving Cervidil, which will hopefully ripen my cervix. Then the actual induction will begin the next morning, October 5, around 7:00.
Posted by Kelli T. at 5:11 PM
Monday, September 27, 2010
On my last Monday as a childless woman...
...What will I do?
Posted by Kelli T. at 3:40 PM
Thursday, September 23, 2010
It's a date!
I had my weekly doctor's visit today, complete with another successful, reactive non-stress test. Also noteworthy is the fact that my induction date has been set...
Posted by Kelli T. at 5:06 PM
Mom noms: Sonic ice
I can't get enough of it! I thought this craving might be related to pica, but my lab results are normal. So...I don't have pica; I just have an odd craving.
Posted by Kelli T. at 5:03 PM
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Week 37: Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Posted by Kelli T. at 5:59 PM
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Like a madwoman.
That's how I've been rushing around the past few days. I went to pack my hospital bag and realized my one and only piece of luggage was in horrible shape, so Joey and I had to buy new bags today. Then I had to find some coming-home outfits for Torin, and since we don't know how big or little he will be, I ended up buying one outfit each in sizes preemie, newborn, and 0-3 months. I then began an as-of-yet fruitless search for a diaper bag I can tolerate. We already have one for Joey, but since my diaper bag will essentially replace my purse, I need to be picky about what I buy.
Posted by Kelli T. at 10:50 PM
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Catch of the day.
I got a little teary eyed in the store today when I picked up this little guy, the Fisher-Price Ocean Wonders Soothe & Glow Seahorse. He lights up and plays lullabies. I figure I'll sleep with him in my own bed until Torin gets here--that way, Torin can (hopefully) be soothed by his Mommy's smell when he cuddles with it.
Posted by Kelli T. at 5:58 PM
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Week 36: Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Weight: 155 pounds

Posted by Kelli T. at 5:57 PM
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I was feeling rather proud of the progress Joey and I had made as of the end of this past weekend, especially considering how we're both procrastinators extraordinaire. We got the gliding rocker and ottoman set up in the nursery and I plugged away on a bit more organization. We did some research on digital camcorders, and I pre-ordered a fabulous cell phone over which I've been drooling for months (hey, a mom-to-be needs a reliable phone with a great camera on it, right?).
Posted by Kelli T. at 5:25 PM
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Baby kick ribs.
No, not baby back ribs. Some of Torin's appendages (I'm not sure which ones) are all up in my rib cage, causing me excruciating pain. My right front rib area, under my breast, feels bruised, if not fractured. The backside of my rib cage often hurts as well. I'll occasionally get pains in my left ribs, but the right ribs are taking the brunt of his kicks/punches.
Posted by Kelli T. at 6:22 PM
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Weight: 150 pounds
Posted by Kelli T. at 6:37 PM
Monday, September 6, 2010
A labor-less Labor Day.
Well, labor as in childbirth, anyway. And thank goodness, right?
Posted by Kelli T. at 3:45 PM
Friday, September 3, 2010
About the third TRY-mester...
I took a sick day today. I woke up feeling nauseated and gagging. I also had a bit of a fever. After a few hours' more sleep, I ended up feeling okay. Joey made banana nut muffins, so I had three of them for lunch--dee-lish.
Posted by Kelli T. at 6:46 PM
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Week 34: Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Weight: 151 pounds

Posted by Kelli T. at 6:49 PM