Santa and Torin at Sundance Square in downtown Fort Worth, December 18
It was a very merry Christmas in the T household. Pookie is now quietly slumbering after a magical gift- and smile-filled day.
Last night, on Christmas Eve, Pookie got to open one present--a set of four Edushape Sensory Balls. He liked them, but of course the box and wrapping paper were equally (if not more) entertaining for him.
This morning, he woke to find that Santa had left him some major goodness: a Mega Bloks wagon filled with Mega Bloks, another separate package of Mega Bloks, and a huge ball pit filled with 200 colorful plastic balls!
After opening up the rest of his gifts--a Fisher-Price Little People Animal Sounds Zoo (from his Aunt Sharla), a Melissa & Doug toolbox, some Viking Super Chubbies vehicles, some bath toys, and some books--we headed over to my parents' house with Grandpa Brian. (Grandpa Brian has been staying with us this week to help make things even merrier!)
At my parents' house, Pookie got to hang out with Aunt Sharla; her boyfriend, Brad; Brad's kids, Ethan and Erin; and my grandmother, Pookie's great grandmother, Kathy (Nana).
Nana got him a super-cute giraffe Pillow Pet and a sweet Playskool push-button toy. And he continued to score more gifts: My parents got him a LeapFrog My Own Leaptop, a LeapFrog Chat & Count phone, a sock frog, a Fisher-Price Little People Wheelies Stand 'n Play Rampway, and a Cozy Coupe!

In all, I'd say Christmas 2011 was a big win for Torin--and for his proud parents.
After we unwrapped gifts, we all headed to Luby's for dinner. Then we went back to my parents' house and relaxed while watching Torin play with his new toys (and the boxes they came in).
I haven't felt the warmth and coziness of Christmas for at least 10 years. However, Pookie has brought back all the wonder that I've been missing. I can't think of a greater joy than the joy of my child. With his smiles, I smile. With his laughter, I laugh.
Now, Torin sleeps and I prepare a small after-dinner scotch drink, I kick back on the couch with my husband and my father-in-law, and we watch a movie. And all is right in the world, at least for tonight.